Erin Cross, PhD
Senior Associate Director, Penn’s LGBT Center; Lecturer, Graduate School of Education; Senior Fellow, Nursing’s Center for Global Women's HealthErin Cross (she/hers) is the Director of Penn’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center (Center) where she began as its first fulltime Program Coordinator over 20 years ago. She earned her B.A. in History and Political Science from The College of Wooster, M.A. in Political Science from The Pennsylvania State University, and Ph.D. at Penn’s Graduate School of Education (GSE). In addition to her Center duties, Erin is a Faculty Fellow in Stouffer College House and Affiliated Faculty with Penn’s Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program, and serves on the Provost’s Wellness Advisory Group, International Student and Scholar Service’s International Partners Outreach Group, and the Vice Provost’s Sexual Assault Working Group. She is adjunct faculty at GSE and been honored as a Model of Excellence, Penn’s top staff honor, four times. Erin also is part of an interdisciplinary Penn Futures grant team and a co-PI on a Provost’s Excellence Through Diversity Fund project.